Crossfit and steroids

I have experience working with a lot of bodybuilders, pro-athletes, cross-athletes and ordinary people. I help them build muscle mass and achieve excellent performance, with / without the use of stimulant drugs. When required, I also help athletes “dress” doping tests. CrossFit is an incredibly entertaining sport through demonstration ofRead More …

Creatine on a course of steroids

Creatine is a carboxylic acid containing nitrogen. Creatine promotes the enhancement and stimulation of energy metabolism in the muscle and nerve tissues at the cellular level, which allows the body mass to be recruited much better and better. Pharmodynamics inherent in biologically active creatine, gives this substance properties and actionRead More …

Abuse of anabolic steroids is a rule or an exception to the rules?

Anabolic steroids are very popular among athletes athletes. Thanks to them there is an increase in muscle mass. But are they so harmless to human health? Is it possible to abuse these drugs? All these problems will be discussed later in the article. Let’s see what anabolic steroids are. TheseRead More …

What are the types of anabolic steroids?

Before buying steroids, many in the head will be asked a natural question, and which steroids are better to choose, because there are several varieties. What is better – injections or oral medications? In this article we will try to figure this out. One of the most important male hormonesRead More …

What should be the duration of the course of steroids?

Steroids – an effective assistant in the collection of muscle mass, the creation of relief muscles, fat burning. However, the effect of taking anabolic drugs will only be if the steroid rate is correctly formulated. Any athlete who begins acquaintance with anabolic medications is asked: what steroid course to choose,Read More …

Why do PCT after the course

In translation from English, the abbreviation of PKT is post-course therapy, that is, a set of certain medications, as well as sports supplements. These components are necessary to reduce side effects and reduce the risk of complications that may occur after the full use of a number of steroid hormones.Read More …